Spinner onItemSelected() executes inappropriately [duplicate]

David, here is a tutorial I wrote up for this problem…

Problem Statement

an undesirable onItemSelected() is triggered whilst the Gallery (or Spinner) is initializing.
This means that code is prematurely executed; code which is intended to execute ONLY when a user physically makes a selection.


  1. in onCreate(), count how many Gallery (or Spinner) widgets you have in the view. (mGalleryCount)
  2. in onItemSelected(), count how often it has triggered. (mGalleryInitializedCount)
  3. when (mGalleryInitializedCount < mGalleryCount) == false, then execute the code meant for the user

Code Example

public class myActivity extends Activity implements OnItemSelectedListener
    //this counts how many Gallery's are on the UI
    private int mGalleryCount=0;

    //this counts how many Gallery's have been initialized
    private int mGalleryInitializedCount=0;

    //UI reference
    private Gallery mGallery;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)


        //get references to UI components
        mGallery = (Gallery) findViewById(R.id.mygallery);

        //trap selection events from gallery

        //trap only selection when no flinging is taking place

        //do other stuff like load images, setAdapter(), etc

        //define how many Gallery's are in this view
        //note: this could be counted dynamically if you are programmatically creating the view


    public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id)

        if (mGalleryInitializedCount < mGalleryCount)
            //only detect selection events that are not done whilst initializing
            Log.i(TAG, "selected item position = " + String.valueOf(position) );



Why this works

this solution works because the Gallery finishes initialization long before a user is physically able to make a selection.

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