Split text string in a data.table columns

Update: From version 1.9.6 (on CRAN as of Sep’15), we can use the function tstrsplit() to get the results directly (and in a much more efficient manner):

require(data.table) ## v1.9.6+
dt[, c("PX", "PY") := tstrsplit(PREFIX, "_", fixed=TRUE)]
# 1:    A_B     1  A  B
# 2:    A_C     2  A  C
# 3:    A_D     3  A  D
# 4:    B_A     4  B  A
# 5:    B_C     5  B  C
# 6:    B_D     6  B  D

tstrsplit() basically is a wrapper for transpose(strsplit()), where transpose() function, also recently implemented, transposes a list. Please see ?tstrsplit() and ?transpose() for examples.

See history for old answers.

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