sql join tables where 1 column has comma

You should really look at Database normalization and first normalize your structure by adding a junction table and holds a relation from tablec each relation stored in tablec will be stored in new junction table but not as comma separated list each row will hold id of c and one user id per row ,if you can’t alter your schema you can use find_in_set to find values in set

select *  
from  tblC c
JOIN tblB b
ON (find_in_set(b.userid,c.userids) > 0)
where c.nname="new1"

See demo

Edit for normalize schema

I have removed userids column from your tblC and instead i have created a new junction table as tblC_user with 2 columns c_id this will related to the id column of tblC and second one userid to store user relations users for tblC see sample schema for tblC

CREATE TABLE if not exists tblC
id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment ,
nname varchar(255),

INSERT INTO tblC (id, nname) VALUES
('1', 'new1'),
('2', 'new2'),
('3', 'new3'),
('4', 'new4'),
('5', 'new5');

And here is your junction table as tblC_user

CREATE TABLE if not exists tblC_user
 c_id int,
 userid int

INSERT INTO tblC_user (c_id,userid) VALUES

In above if you notice i haven’t stored any comma separated relations each relation of user for tblC is stored in new row ,for you concerned result set i have used junction table in join also new query will be like below

select *  
from  tblC c
join tblC_user cu on(c.id = cu.c_id)
join tblB b on (b.userid = cu.userid)
where c.nname="new1"

Demo 2

Now above query can can be optimized by using indexes you can maintain cascading relations easily

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