SQL: ORDER BY using a substring within a specific column… possible?

You can put a CASE statement in the ORDER BY to accomplish this. A better route would be to change the application and table to actually store this relevant data in columns where it belongs when you have the development time to do that.

    CAST(SUBSTRING(issue, 1, 4) AS INT) DESC,  -- Year
        WHEN issue LIKE '%First_Quarter' OR issue LIKE '%Winter' THEN 1
        WHEN issue LIKE '%Second_Quarter' OR issue LIKE '%Spring' THEN 2
        WHEN issue LIKE '%Third_Quarter' OR issue LIKE '%Summer' THEN 3
        WHEN issue LIKE '%Fourth_Quarter' OR issue LIKE '%Fall' THEN 4

Order the seasons however you want. You could also order them in a specific way (Q1 followed by Spring, followed by Q2, etc.) by adjusting the CASE statement.

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