stop settimeout in recursive function

I think that most people are getting at the reason why this isn’t working, but I thought I would provide you with updated code. It is pretty much the same as yours, except that it assigns the timeout to a variable so that it can be cleared.

Also, the anonymous function in a setTimeout is great, if you want to run logic inline, change the value of ‘this’ inside the function, or pass parameters into a function. If you just want to call a function, it is sufficient to pass the name of the function as the first parameter.

var timer = null; 

var updatetimer = function () {
    //do stuff

    // By the way, can just pass in the function name instead of an anonymous
    // function unless if you want to pass parameters or change the value of 'this'
    timer = setTimeout(updatetimer, 10000);

//this should start and stop the timer
$("#mybutton").click(function(e) { 
        clearTimeout(timer);  // Since the timeout is assigned to a variable, we can successfully clear it now

    } else{

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