Stored procedure that exports data into csv files only exports to one file

Seems to work fine for me. I have a few suggestions:

(1) stop doing all that string concatenation to build a date. You can do the same thing much easier as in:

SELECT @StartDT = DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, '19000101', @MinDOS), '19000101');

(2) stop declaring varchar without length. And to ensure the right output, I prefer convert:

SET @FileLocation = 'C:\test\' + @TableName
   + CONVERT(CHAR(10), @StartDT, 120) + '.csv';

(3) instead of “debugging” the code by running the stored procedure and inspecting the output in the folder, why not sanity-check your input first? Also, why use two variables for the date?

   @StartDT DATE, 
   @TableName NVARCHAR(50), 
   @FileLocation VARCHAR(255);

SET @TableName = N'ViewAccountDetail';

SELECT @StartDT = DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, '19000101', MIN(dos)), '19000101')
   FROM dbo.accn_demographics;

   PRINT @StartDT;
-- ^^^^^ debugging 101 - what month do we think we're starting at?

WHILE @StartDT < '20110901'
    SET @FileLocation = 'C:\test\' + @TableName
      + CONVERT(CHAR(10), @StartDT, 120) + '.csv';

      PRINT @FileLocation;
    --^^^^^ again, debugging 101 - what does the filename currently look like?

    --EXEC BCP_Text_File @TableName, @FileLocation    
    SET @StartDT = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @StartDT);

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