Strange warning in a C function const multidimensional-array argument

I believe the problem is the constraints specified in C99, which seem to prohibit mixing qualifications in assignments, except for pointers for which an inclusive-qualifier exception is defined. The problem is that with indirect pointers, you end up passing a pointer to one thing to a pointer to another. The assignment isn’t valid because, if it was, you could fool it into modifying a const-qualified object with the following code:

const char **cpp;
char *p;
const char c="A";
cpp = &p;  // constraint violation
*cpp = &c; // valid
*p = 0;    // valid by itself, but would clobber c

It might seem reasonable that cpp, which promises not to modify any chars, might be assigned a pointer to an object pointing at non-qualified chars. After all, that’s allowed for single-indirect pointers, which is why, e.g., you can pass a mutable object to the second parameter of strcpy(3), the first parameter to strchr(3), and many other parameters that are declared with const.

But with the indirect pointer, at the next level, assignment from a qualified pointer is allowed, and now a perfectly unqualified pointer assignment will clobber a qualified object.

I don’t immediately see how a 2-D array could lead to this situation, but in any case it hits the same constraint in the standard.

Since in your case, you aren’t actually tricking it into clobbering a const, the right thing for your code would seem to be inserting the cast.

Update: OK guys, as it happens this issue is in the C faq, and this entire discussion has also taken place several times on the gcc bug list and on the gcc mailing list.

The lesson: you can pass a T *x when const T *x is expected, by explicit exception, but T *x and const T *x are still distinct types, so you can’t pass a pointer to either one to a pointer to the other.

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