Swift closure with Alamofire

The code between the {} is the equivalent of block in objective-C : this is a chunk of code that gets executed asynchronously.

The error you made is where you put your return statement : when you launch your request, the code in {} is not executed until the framework received a response, so when the return statement is reached, chances are, there is still no response. You could simply move the line :

return responsePackage

inside the closure, so the func return only when it has received a response. This is a simple way, but it’s not really optimal : your code will get stuck at waiting for the answers. The best way you can do this is by using closure, too. This would look something like :

   func get(apiEndPoint: NSString, completion: (response: ResponsePackage) -> ()) -> Bool {

        let responsePackage = ResponsePackage()
            .request(.GET, apiEndPoint)
            .responseJSON {(request, response, JSON, error) in
                responsePackage.response = JSON
                responsePackage.success = true
                responsePackage.error = error

                completion(response: responsePackage)

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