JavaScript – Wait for execution

function bar(){ that = this; this.printed = undefined; = function() { if (typeof this.printed === “undefined”) { this.printed = false; console.log(“a”); setTimeout(function() { that.printed = true;; return undefined; }, 0); } if(this.printed == true) { console.log(“b”); console.log(“c”); this.printed = undefined; } } } new bar().foo()

How to inject javascript code that uses php variables into php page

Assign PHP variable’s value to java script variable : <script type=”text/javascript”> var json{ “id”:<?php echo $id;?>, “user” : “<?php echo $user;?>” }; </script> Change this line from your code : $.post(‘full.php’, {msgg: msg, from:, to: json.user} Now you’ll have separate js file like: function send(e){ if(e.keyCode == 13 && !e.shiftKey){ $(document).ready(function(){ //Get the input … Read more

How to check checboxes in a php table?

I do not know what $row[‘check-in’] contains but you just need use html checked: if($row[“check-in”]==’on’){ $checked=” checked=’checked'”; }else{ $checked=”; } echo “<td><input type=”checkbox” class=”get_value” name=”checkbox” “.$checked.”></td>”; Edit: to use in loop: echo “<td><input type=”checkbox” class=”get_value” id=’checkbox[]’ name=”checkbox[]” “.$checked.”></td>”;

How to send data to the server via Ajax?

This is all greatly simplified but on the javascript side, you could do this: var params = {“email”: $(“input#email”) $.post(yourserver.php, params, validate, “json”) function validate(response) { if (response.success) { console.log(“Allgood”) } else { console.log(response.message) } } and on the php server side, your server.php could look like this: <? if ( $_REQUEST[“email”] ) { $response … Read more