Input fields hold previous values only if validation failed

This problem is in JSF 2 also recognized and explained in detail in the following answer: How can I populate a text field using PrimeFaces AJAX after validation errors occur? If you were using JSF 2, you could have used OmniFaces’ ResetInputAjaxActionListener or PrimeFaces’ <p:resetInput> or resetValues=”true” for this. To the point, you need to … Read more

#{…} is not allowed in template text

You will get this error when you’re using JSP as view technology and you’re using #{…} in template text such as (the <p> is just examplary, it can be any plain HTML element): <p>#{}</p> It’s namely not supported in JSP, but it is supported in its successor Facelets. In JSP, you would need to explicitly … Read more