datatable jquery – table header width not aligned with body width

CAUSE Most likely your table is hidden initially which prevents jQuery DataTables from calculating column widths. SOLUTION If table is in the collapsible element, you need to adjust headers when collapsible element becomes visible. For example, for Bootstrap Collapse plugin: $(‘#myCollapsible’).on(‘’, function () { $($.fn.dataTable.tables(true)).DataTable() .columns.adjust(); }); If table is in the tab, you need … Read more

How can I vertically center a div element for all browsers using CSS?

Below is the best all-around solution I could build to vertically and horizontally center a fixed-width, flexible height content box. It was tested and worked for recent versions of Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Safari. .outer { display: table; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; } .middle { display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; … Read more

Align elements side by side

Beware float: left… 🤔 …there are many ways to align elements side-by-side. Below are the most common ways to achieve two elements side-by-side… Demo: View/edit all the below examples on Codepen Basic styles for all examples below… Some basic css styles for parent and child elements in these examples: .parent { background: mediumpurple; padding: 1rem; … Read more

What’s the difference between align-content and align-items?

The align-items property of flex-box aligns the items inside a flex container along the cross axis just like justify-content does along the main axis. (For the default flex-direction: row the cross axis corresponds to vertical and the main axis corresponds to horizontal. With flex-direction: column those two are interchanged respectively). Here’s an example of how … Read more

Purpose of memory alignment

The memory subsystem on a modern processor is restricted to accessing memory at the granularity and alignment of its word size; this is the case for a number of reasons. Speed Modern processors have multiple levels of cache memory that data must be pulled through; supporting single-byte reads would make the memory subsystem throughput tightly … Read more