Error adding geofences in Android (status code 1000)

You get GEOFENCE_NOT_AVAILABLE (code ‘1000’) when user disagrees to “Use Google’ location services” in Settings->Location->Mode: To fix it: go to Settings->Location->Mode set “Device only (Use GPS to determine your location)” set any other option to get the popup (e.g. “High accuracy (Use GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile networks to determine location”) dialog “”Use Google’ location services” … Read more

Android play services 6.5: LocationClient is missing

The LocationClient class has been replaced with the new FusedLocationProviderApi and the GeofencingApi, both of which use the common GoogleApiClient connection technique to connect to Google Play Services. Once you are connected, you can call methods such as requestLocationUpdates(): LocationRequest locationRequest = LocationRequest.create() .setPriority(LocationRequest.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY); PendingResult<Status> result = LocationServices.FusedLocationApi .requestLocationUpdates( googleApiClient, // your connected GoogleApiClient locationRequest, … Read more