Googlemaps API Key for Localhost

Go to this address: Create new project and Create Credentials (API key) Click on “Library” Click on any API that you want Click on “Enable” Click on “Credentials” > “Edit Key” Under “Application restrictions”, select “HTTP referrers (web sites)” Under “Website restrictions”, Click on “ADD AN ITEM” Type your website address (or “localhost”, “”, … Read more

In iOS, how can I store a secret “key” that will allow me to communicate with my server?

Crazy as it sounds, this is probably the best solution. Everything else is more complicated, but not much more secure. Any fancy obfuscation techniques you use are just going to be reverse engineered almost as quickly as they’ll find this key. But this static key solution, while wildly insecure, is nearly as secure than the … Read more

Best practice for storing and protecting private API keys in applications [closed]

As it is, your compiled application contains the key strings, but also the constant names APP_KEY and APP_SECRET. Extracting keys from such self-documenting code is trivial, for instance with the standard Android tool dx. You can apply ProGuard. It will leave the key strings untouched, but it will remove the constant names. It will also … Read more