What is ViewModel in MVC?

A view model represents the data that you want to display on your view/page, whether it be used for static text or for input values (like textboxes and dropdown lists) that can be added to the database (or edited). It is something different than your domain model. It is a model for the view. Let … Read more

Loop through enum result property

Is this what you are looking for? [Flags] public enum Sections { Test1 = 0, Test2 = 1, Test3 = 2, Test4 = 4, } public static List<Sections> getSectionsFromFlags(Sections flags) { var returnVal = new List<Sections>(); foreach (Sections item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Sections))) { if ((int)(flags & item) > 0) returnVal.Add(item); } return returnVal; }

issue with form C# asp.net mvc

You should create your view like : @model Yournamespace.Models.ModelName <div> @using (Html.BeginForm(“MethodName”, “ControllerName”, FormMethod.Post, new { @class = “css class if any” })) { <section> <div class=”input-block”> <strong><label>yOur Label</label></strong> @Html.EditorFor(model => Model.Attribute) <div class=”UserIdValidation”> @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => Model.Attribute) </div> </div> <p style=”margin-top: 25px” class=”input-block”> <input type=”submit” value=”Submit”> </p> </section> } </div> and your controller action should … Read more

html dropdownlist to controller

Why don’t you try with ViewModel, and SelectListItem? I would do something like this Controller: Model.Employees = employeesList.Select(employee => new SelectListItem { Text = employee.FullName, Value = employee.Id }).ToList(); HTML: @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.EmployeeId, new SelectList(Model.Employees, “value”, “text”)) EmployeeId should be string. And then you just need to set EmployeeId.

Is HTML.Partial case sensitive? [closed]

No Html.partial() is not case sensitive. I tested it. For example : Let say Your partial view name is “_HeaDing.cshtml” and its place in the same folder. Then you call the partial view in different cases like below: 1. @Html.Partial(“_heading”)-All characters are in smaller case 2. @Html.Partial(“_HEADING”)- All characters are in Upper case In all … Read more

Concat two arrays But concat is not working

You can use $.merge( CommentArray, NewsArray ); to concatenate arrays: $(document).ready(function() { var GlobalNews = []; var CommentArray = []; var NewsArray = []; var CommentArr = {}; CommentArr[‘Comment’] = ‘aaa’; CommentArray.push(CommentArr); var NewsArr = {}; NewsArr[‘NewsNo’] = ‘bbb’ NewsArr[‘Desc’] = ‘vvv’; NewsArray.push(NewsArr); GlobalNews = $.merge( CommentArray, NewsArray ); console.log(GlobalNews) }); <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.1/jquery.min.js”></script>