How to use standard attribute android:text in my custom view?

use this: public YourView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); int[] set = { android.R.attr.background, // idx 0 android.R.attr.text // idx 1 }; TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, set); Drawable d = a.getDrawable(0); CharSequence t = a.getText(1); Log.d(TAG, “attrs ” + d + ” ” + t); a.recycle(); } i hope you got an idea

How do I pass multiple attributes into an Angular.js attribute directive?

The directive can access any attribute that is defined on the same element, even if the directive itself is not the element. Template: <div example-directive example-number=”99″ example-function=”exampleCallback()”></div> Directive: app.directive(‘exampleDirective ‘, function () { return { restrict: ‘A’, // ‘A’ is the default, so you could remove this line scope: { callback : ‘&exampleFunction’, }, link: … Read more

Get the object with the max attribute’s value in a list of objects

max() takes a key parameter, a function that when passed one of the objects returns the value by which to compare them. Use operator.attrgetter() to get that value: from operator import attrgetter max(self.allPartners, key=attrgetter(‘attrOne’)) This returns the matching object for which that attribute is the maximum. If you wanted to store just that maximum value … Read more

How to make [DebuggerNonUserCode] hide an exception from the debugger in simple test case?

Mystery solved. It is indeed a known issue that is new to MSVS 2015 because of added exception handling optimizations. There is a workaround posted on that link to disable the optimizations and enable the old behavior. Hopefully they will eventually be able to revive the support for this including the optimizations. reg add … Read more

Ninject Binding Attribute to Filter with Constructor Arguments

I have figured it out (thanks to Remo’s directions and documentation). Use the appropriate .WithConstructorArgument extension whether you are binding to a Controller or Action filter. For example binding my action filter looks like this: kernel.BindFilter<AuthorizationFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 0) .WhenActionMethodHas<RequireRolesAttribute>() .WithConstructorArgumentFromActionAttribute<RequireRolesAttribute>(“requiredRoles”, o => o.RequiredRoles); Once I understood the Func<> signature, it all became clear. The best way … Read more