What exactly is Field Injection and how to avoid it?

Injection types There are three options for how dependencies can be injected into a bean: Through a constructor Through setters or other methods Through reflection, directly into fields You are using option 3. That is what is happening when you use @Autowired directly on your field. Injection guidelines A general guideline, which is recommended by … Read more

Spring @Autowire on Properties vs Constructor

Yes, option B (which is called constructor injection) is actually recommended over field injection, and has several advantages: the dependencies are clearly identified. There is no way to forget one when testing, or instantiating the object in any other circumstance (like creating the bean instance explicitly in a config class) the dependencies can be final, … Read more

Spring: @Component versus @Bean

@Component Preferable for component scanning and automatic wiring. When should you use @Bean? Sometimes automatic configuration is not an option. When? Let’s imagine that you want to wire components from 3rd-party libraries (you don’t have the source code so you can’t annotate its classes with @Component), so automatic configuration is not possible. The @Bean annotation … Read more

Why is my Spring @Autowired field null?

The field annotated @Autowired is null because Spring doesn’t know about the copy of MileageFeeCalculator that you created with new and didn’t know to autowire it. The Spring Inversion of Control (IoC) container has three main logical components: a registry (called the ApplicationContext) of components (beans) that are available to be used by the application, … Read more