Getting the latest file modified from Azure Blob

Each IListBlobItem is going to be a CloudBlockBlob, a CloudPageBlob, or a CloudBlobDirectory. After casting to block or page blob, or their shared base class CloudBlob (preferably by using the as keyword and checking for null), you can access the modified date via blockBlob.Properties.LastModified. Note that your implementation will do an O(n) scan over all … Read more

How to enable BLOB-logging for a Node.js Api App on Azure?

1) Create file iisnode.yml in your root folder (D:\home\site\wwwroot) if not exists. 2) Add the following lines to it. loggingEnabled: true logDirectory: iisnode After that done, you can find logs in D:\home\site\wwwroot\iisnode. For more info, please refer to

How to create a sub container in azure storage location

Windows Azure doesn’t provide the concept of heirarchical containers, but it does provide a mechanism to traverse heirarchy by convention and API. All containers are stored at the same level. You can gain simliar functionality by using naming conventions for your blob names. For instance, you may create a container named “content” and create blobs … Read more