How to get the variable value in TFS/AzureDevOps from Build to Release Pipeline?

The is no official way to pass variables from Build to Release. The only way to accomplish this is to store the values in a file (json, xml, yaml, what have you) and attach that as a Build Artifact. That way you can read the file in the release and set the variable again. Martin … Read more

Fatal: Could not read password for ‘https://[email protected]’: terminal prompts disabled

As you mentioned you need to use PAT but in this way: git push https://{PAT}{organization}/{project}/_git/{repo-name} Another solution is to “Allow scripts to access the OAuth token” in the job options: In the git push use the System.AccessToken: git push https://$env:[email protected]/…… And give push permissions to the build user (in the repo settings):

Is it possible to conditionally set the artifact name in my Azure DevOps build pipeline “publish artifact” task?

Is it possible to conditionally set the artifact name in my Azure DevOps build pipeline “publish artifact” task? I am afraid there is no such out of box way to do that. If you want to conditionally set the artifact name, we have to use the nested variables in the pipeline. However, At this moment, … Read more

Remove files and foldes on Azure before a new deploy from VSTS

First, it’s better to include the files to the project that the web app needs, then just check Remove additional files at destination option (Check Publish using Web Deploy option first) to remove additional files. Secondly, you can remove the files through Kudu API. DELETE /api/vfs/{path} (Delete the file at path) More information, you can … Read more