Why use std::bind over lambdas in C++14?

Scott Meyers gave a talk about this. This is what I remember: In C++14 there is nothing useful bind can do that can’t also be done with lambdas. In C++11 however there are some things that can’t be done with lambdas: You can’t move the variables while capturing when creating the lambdas. Variables are always … Read more

How to bind mysqli bind_param arguments dynamically in PHP?

Using PHP 5.6 you can do this easy with help of unpacking operator(…$var) and use get_result() insted of bind_result() public function get_result($sql,$types = null,$params = null) { $stmt = $this->mysqli->prepare($sql); $stmt->bind_param($types, …$params); if(!$stmt->execute()) return false; return $stmt->get_result(); } Example: $mysqli = new database(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASS,DB_NAME); $output = new search($mysqli); $sql = “SELECT * FROM root_contacts_cfm WHERE root_contacts_cfm.cnt_id … Read more

Update Angular model after setting input value with jQuery

ngModel listens for “input” event, so to “fix” your code you’d need to trigger that event after setting the value: $(‘button’).click(function(){ var input = $(‘input’); input.val(‘xxx’); input.trigger(‘input’); // Use for Chrome/Firefox/Edge input.trigger(‘change’); // Use for Chrome/Firefox/Edge + IE11 }); For the explanation of this particular behaviour check out this answer that I gave a while … Read more

Python: Bind an Unbound Method?

All functions are also descriptors, so you can bind them by calling their __get__ method: bound_handler = handler.__get__(self, MyWidget) Here’s R. Hettinger’s excellent guide to descriptors. As a self-contained example pulled from Keith’s comment: def bind(instance, func, as_name=None): “”” Bind the function *func* to *instance*, with either provided name *as_name* or the existing name of … Read more