What are the differences between Mustache.js and Handlebars.js?

You’ve pretty much nailed it, however Mustache templates can also be compiled. Mustache is missing helpers and the more advanced blocks because it strives to be logicless. Handlebars’ custom helpers can be very useful, but often end up introducing logic into your templates. Mustache has many different compilers (JavaScript, Ruby, Python, C, etc.). Handlebars began … Read more

Unique ids in knockout.js templates

An alternative that does not rely on the order that the fields are bound is to have the binding set an id property on the data itself, which would need to be an observable. ko.bindingHandlers.uniqueId = { init: function(element, valueAccessor) { var value = valueAccessor(); value.id = value.id || ko.bindingHandlers.uniqueId.prefix + (++ko.bindingHandlers.uniqueId.counter); element.id = value.id; … Read more