CocoaPods and GitHub forks

I will answer this question using an example. I have a fork of TTTAttributedLabel with some extra functionality I added here: In order to use this in a Cocoapods project, I: Push my changes to my fork Configure my Podfile to get the changes & update Once you’ve pushed your changes to your fork, … Read more

Error on pod install

If you landed here on or after January 30th 2014, there is a break in CocoaPods causing this. Please read the related blog post found here: or do: pod repo remove master pod setup

How to remove the Xcode warning Apple Mach-O Linker Warning ‘Pointer not aligned at address

It probably means their binary file has non-aligned pointer when they compile their code. In those cases the alignment basically defaults to 1 byte and hypothetically might impact performance. After updating to Xcode 8.3 public release I am still seeing this error, so Google might need to compile their static library with different settings to … Read more