Conditional “Browsable” Attribute

I’m not sure this applies to your situation, but you can adjust the “Browsable” decoration at run-time by calling the function below. /// <summary> /// Set the Browsable property. /// NOTE: Be sure to decorate the property with [Browsable(true)] /// </summary> /// <param name=”PropertyName”>Name of the variable</param> /// <param name=”bIsBrowsable”>Browsable Value</param> private void setBrowsableProperty(string strPropertyName, … Read more

Javascript recursion from Eloquent Javascript

1) If you look at the code, the function “findSolution” is composed of two parts: a method definition “find”, and a call to that method “return find(1, “1”)”. The definition, in itself, won’t produce computing unless it is called. So, the first expression that is actually executed is “find(1, “1”)”. It’s the starting point. 2) … Read more

How to do a conditional decorator in python?

Decorators are simply callables that return a replacement, optionally the same function, a wrapper, or something completely different. As such, you could create a conditional decorator: def conditional_decorator(dec, condition): def decorator(func): if not condition: # Return the function unchanged, not decorated. return func return dec(func) return decorator Now you can use it like this: @conditional_decorator(timeit, … Read more

Multiple ‘or’ condition in Python [duplicate]

Use not in and a sequence: if fields[9] not in (‘A’, ‘D’, ‘E’, ‘N’, ‘R’): which tests against a tuple, which Python will conveniently and efficiently store as one constant. You could also use a set literal: if fields[9] not in {‘A’, ‘D’, ‘E’, ‘N’, ‘R’}: but only more recent versions of Python (Python 3.2 … Read more

Gnuplot: conditional plotting ($2 == 15 ? $2 : ‘1/0’) with lines

+1 for a great question. I (mistakenly) would have thought that what you had would work, but looking at help datafile using examples shows that I was in fact wrong. The behavior you’re seeing is as documented. Thanks for teaching me something new about gnuplot today 🙂 “preprocessing” is (apparently) what is needed here, but … Read more

TypeScript conditional return value type?

Typescript will not infer different return types based on type guards in the function. You can however define multiple function signatures for let the compiler know the links between input parameter types and result type: function ff(x: boolean): boolean; function ff(x: string): string; // Implementation signature, not publicly visible function ff(x: boolean | string): boolean … Read more