Allowing frontend JavaScript POST requests to endpoint

You can find an example of using express to perform the authentication flow with Spotify on (see the authorization_code approach). You can’t get an access token making a client-side request to /api/token. You need to make a request to /authorize, which will redirect to your redirect_uri, which itself will exchange a code with an … Read more

Microsoft Edge blocked cross-domain requests sent to IPs in same private network CIDR

From Understanding Enhanced Protected Mode Private Network resources Because EPM does not declare the privateNetworkClientServer capability, your Intranet resources are protected from many types of cross-zone attacks (usually called “Cross-Site-Request-Forgery (CSRF)” and “Intranet Port Scanning.”) Internet pages are not able to frame Intranet pages, load images or resources from them, send them CORS XHR requests, … Read more

ionic app cannot connect cors enabled server with $http

cordova-plugin-whitelist seems to be “mandatory” at present. install it : cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist configure config.xml You can keep your current setup with * or change for more restrictive rules add a html policy on index.html, you shall add a Policy also. To authorise everything, here it is : <meta http-equiv=”Content-Security-Policy” content=”default-src *; style-src ‘self’ … Read more

CORS request is preflighted, but it seems like it should not be

I ended up checking out the Webkit source code in an attempt to figure this out (after Google did not yield any helpful hits). It turns out that Webkit will force any cross-origin request to be preflighted simply if you register an onprogress event handler. I’m not entirely sure, even after reading the code comments, … Read more

CORS issue doesn’t occur when using POSTMAN

From Cross-Origin XMLHttpRequest in Chrome Develop Extensions documentation: Regular web pages can use the XMLHttpRequest object to send and receive data from remote servers, but they’re limited by the same origin policy. Extensions aren’t so limited. An extension can talk to remote servers outside of its origin, as long as it first requests cross-origin permissions. … Read more

Pushing data to Google spreadsheet through JavaScript running in browser

Step-by-step instructions with screenshots After reading Martin Hawskey‘s good introduction (to sending data from an HTML form to a Google Spreadsheet) and seeing a few gaps/assumptions, we decided to write a detailed/comprehensive tutorial with step-by-step instructions which a few people have found useful: The script saves any data sent via HTTP POST in the … Read more