MySQL cumulative sum grouped by date

New Answer At first, I didn’t understand you were trying to do a running total. Here is how that would look: SET @runningTotal = 0; SELECT e_date, num_interactions, @runningTotal := @runningTotal + totals.num_interactions AS runningTotal FROM (SELECT DATE(eDate) AS e_date, COUNT(*) AS num_interactions FROM example AS e GROUP BY DATE(e.Date)) totals ORDER BY e_date; Original … Read more

SQL Server Cumulative Sum by Group

In SQL Server 2005, I would do this using a correlated subquery: select dummy_id, date_registered, item_id, quantity, price, (select sum(quantity) from t t2 where t2.item_id = t.item_id and t2.date_registered <= t.date_registered ) as cumulative from table t; If you actually want to add this into a table, you need to alter the table to add … Read more

Calculate cumulative average (mean)

In analogy to the cumulative sum of a list I propose this: The cumulative average avg of a vector x would contain the averages from 1st position till position i. One method is just to compute the the mean for each position by summing over all previous values and dividing by their number. By rewriting … Read more

Cumulative sum over a set of rows in mysql

UPDATE MySQL 8.0 introduces “window functions”, functionality equivalent to SQL Server “window functions” (with partitioning and ordering provided by Transact-SQL OVER syntax), and Oracle “analytic functions”. MySQL Reference Manual 12.21 Window Functions The answer provided here is an approach for MySQL versions prior to 8.0. ORIGINAL ANSWER MySQL doesn’t provide the type analytic function … Read more

Calculating Cumulative Sum in PostgreSQL

Basically, you need a window function. That’s a standard feature nowadays. In addition to genuine window functions, you can use any aggregate function as window function in Postgres by appending an OVER clause. The special difficulty here is to get partitions and sort order right: SELECT ea_month, id, amount, ea_year, circle_id , sum(amount) OVER (PARTITION … Read more