Does PHP allow named parameters so that optional arguments can be omitted from function calls?

No, it is not possible (before PHP 8.0): if you want to pass the third parameter, you have to pass the second one. And named parameters are not possible either. A “solution” would be to use only one parameter, an array, and always pass it… But don’t always define everything in it. For instance : … Read more

Change default text in input type=”file”?

Use the for attribute of label for input. <div> <label for=”files” class=”btn”>Select Image</label> <input id=”files” style=”visibility:hidden;” type=”file”> </div> Below is the code to fetch name of the uploaded file $(“#files”).change(function() { filename = this.files[0].name; console.log(filename); }); <script src=””></script> <div> <label for=”files” class=”btn”>Select Image</label> <input id=”files” style=”visibility:hidden;” type=”file”> </div>