How to find default browser set on android device

This code may help you: Intent browserIntent = new Intent(“android.intent.action.VIEW”, Uri.parse(“http://”)); ResolveInfo resolveInfo = getPackageManager().resolveActivity(browserIntent,PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); // This is the default browser’s packageName String packageName = resolveInfo.activityInfo.packageName; and if wanna start it, do as follows: startActivity(getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage(packageName));

Default redirect for Error 404

This is how you configure a custom 404 error page for both ASP.NET and non-ASP.NET requests: <configuration> <system.web> <compilation targetFramework=”4.0″ /> <customErrors mode=”On” redirectMode=”ResponseRewrite”> <error statusCode=”404″ redirect=”http404.aspx” /> </customErrors> </system.web> <system.webServer> <httpErrors errorMode=”Custom”> <remove statusCode=”404″/> <error statusCode=”404″ path=”/http404.aspx” responseMode=”ExecuteURL”/> </httpErrors> </system.webServer> </configuration> As others already pointed out, you should not use an HTTP redirection to … Read more

How do you drop a default value or similar constraint in T-SQL?

You can use this code to do it automatically: DECLARE @tableName VARCHAR(MAX) = ‘<MYTABLENAME>’ DECLARE @columnName VARCHAR(MAX) = ‘<MYCOLUMNAME>’ DECLARE @ConstraintName nvarchar(200) SELECT @ConstraintName = Name FROM SYS.DEFAULT_CONSTRAINTS WHERE PARENT_OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID(@tableName) AND PARENT_COLUMN_ID = ( SELECT column_id FROM sys.columns WHERE NAME = @columnName AND object_id = OBJECT_ID(@tableName)) IF @ConstraintName IS NOT NULL EXEC(‘ALTER TABLE … Read more

Is it possible to extend a default method implementation of a trait in a struct?

This isn’t possible directly now. However, RFC 1210: impl specialization contains various aspects that will make this sort of behaviour work, for example, something like this should work: trait Foo { fn method(&self) { println!(“default implementation”); } } trait Bar: Foo { … } partial impl<T: Bar> Foo for T { default fn method(&self) { … Read more