How can I make WinMerge my git mergetool?

You are talking about merge tool, yet you (and some other people with answers) are configuring it as a diff tool. To configure a merge tool, you’d need to use merge.tool and mergetool configurations instead of diff.tool and difftool, like this: git config –global merge.tool winmerge git config –replace –global mergetool.winmerge.cmd “\”C:\Program Files (x86)\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe\” -e … Read more

git difftool, open all diff files immediately, not in serial

Starting with git v1.7.11, you can use git difftool –dir-diff to perform a directory diff. This feature works well with Meld 3.14.2 for example, and lets you browse all modified files: git difftool –dir-diff –tool=meld HEAD~ HEAD This is a handy Bash function: git-diff-meld() ( git difftool –dir-diff –tool=meld “${1:-HEAD~}” “${2:-HEAD}” ) The answer that … Read more