Why is my WCF web service presenting this object in a different namespace with different field names?

It is stunning how many hours I’ve spent on this, how many solutions I’ve tried, how many links I’ve followed, and how many SO answers I’ve read that did not answer my question before finally finding that the answer was sitting right here on SO for more than 2 years! The root problem is that … Read more

Resend DocuSign Emails

You can use the “modify recipient(s)” request to trigger a re-send of the email notification to specific recipient(s). PUT /accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/recipients?resend_envelope=true Be sure to include the querystring parameter/value resend_envelope=true in the URL (as shown above). For example, if a GET Recipients response shows that an Envelope contains the following recipients: { “signers”: [ { “name”: “Jane … Read more

How should the header X-DocuSign-Authentication be used for REST and SOAP?

X-DocuSign-Authentication [HTTP HEADER] Best Practice: Use an obfuscated username and password in the api authentication header Definition: Send On Behalf Of Rights (API) is SOBO. Given the following values: Username == API Service User == “[email protected]” == USERID “cdcd3fc7-2b3c-40d4-98ed-ff90add317ca” Password == “yourpassword” = EncryptedAPIPassword == “/A5hpPhSczID+JNEKZbg5mYf7+7=” SOBOUser == “[email protected]” == USERID “eacd3fc7-2b3c-40d4-98ed-ff90add317ff“ Integratorkey == “YDMN-339fa93c-fcf0-4390-8141-2e0f071ffa2e” … Read more

Can we enable both Embedded and Remote Sign in DocuSign API using c#?

A solution is to specify both a clientUserId and an embeddedRecipientStartURL when creating a Recipient. Specifying a clientUserId causes the recipient to be an “embedded” signer. Specifying an embeddedRecipientStartURL causes the recipient to also receive an official DocuSign email inviting them to sign the documents. The embeddedRecipientStartURL parameter is intended to be a URL that … Read more