Dynamic content added with AngularJS click event not working on the added content

app.controller(‘MainCtrl’, function($scope,$compile) { var btnhtml=”<button type=”button” ng-click=”addButton()”>Click Me</button>”; var temp = $compile(btnhtml)($scope); //Let’s say you have element with id ‘foo’ in which you want to create a button angular.element(document.getElementById(‘foo’)).append(temp); var addButton = function(){ alert(‘Yes Click working at dynamically added element’); } }); you need to add $compile service here, that will bind the angular directives … Read more

how to dynamically generate HTML code using .NET’s WebBrowser or mshtml.HTMLDocument?

I’d like to contribute some code to Alexei’s answer. A few points: Strictly speaking, it may not always be possible to determine when the page has finished rendering with 100% probability. Some pages are quite complex and use continuous AJAX updates. But we can get quite close, by polling the page’s current HTML snapshot for … Read more