Selecting multiple array elements

I.e. instead of just looping through one array element at a time, but to loop through selected pairs instead (e.g. 3 elements, and then to do something to those 3). there are many ways to do it. one would be $arr = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); $new = array_chunk($arr,3); foreach ($new as $chunk) { print_r($chunk);// 3 elements to … Read more

Android ListView with onClick items

In your activity, where you defined your listview you write listview.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener(){ @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?>adapter,View v, int position){ ItemClicked item = adapter.getItemAtPosition(position); Intent intent = new Intent(Activity.this,destinationActivity.class); //based on item add info to intent startActivity(intent); } }); in your adapter’s getItem you write public ItemClicked getItem(int position){ return items.get(position); }

Get multiple elements by Id

If you can change the markup, you might want to use class instead. HTML <a class=”test” name=”Name 1″></a> <a class=”test” name=”Name 2″></a> <a class=”test” name=”Name 3″></a> JS var elements = document.getElementsByClassName(“test”); var names=””; for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { names += elements[i].name; } document.write(names); jsfiddle demo

Best way to get child nodes

Sounds like you’re overthinking it. You’ve observed the difference between childNodes and children, which is that childNodes contains all nodes, including text nodes consisting entirely of whitespace, while children is a collection of just the child nodes that are elements. That’s really all there is to it. There is nothing unpredictable about either collection, although … Read more