Can traits be used on enum types?

Can traits be used on enum types? Yes. In fact, you already have multiple traits defined for your enum; the traits Debug, Copy and Clone: #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum SceneType The problem is that you aren’t attempting to implement Playable for your enum, you are trying to implement it for one of the enum’s … Read more

Using GetHashCode for getting Enum int value

Using GetHashCode() is incorrect. You should cast to int. Using it the way you do is asking for raptors(or Raymond) to come and eat you. That GetHashCode() happens to return the integer value of the enum is an implementation detail and may change in future versions of .net. GetHashCode() guarantees that if two values are … Read more

Java enum elements with spaces?

You can’t put a space in the middle of an identifier. Doing so ends that identifier and the parser assumes whatever comes next is a valid token in that statement’s context. There are few (if any) places that would be legal. Conventional Java value names would be: INDIA, // Or India, RUSSIA, // Russia, NORTH_AMERICA; … Read more

Using nested enum types in Java

Drink.COFFEE.getGroupName(); Drink.COFFEE.COLUMBIAN.getLabel(); First off, that sample code you gave violates the “law of demeter” somewhat – as the COLUMBIAN instance field is only used to retrieve the label. Also, with that structure, COLUMBIAN has to be an instance of the COFFEE enum, but I don’t think that’s what you’re really going for here. someMethod(Drink type) … Read more

How can I use enum types in XAML?

I had a similar question here, and my end result was to create a generic IValueConverter that passed the enum value I wanted to match in as the ConverterParameter, and it returns true or false depending on if the bound value matches the (int) value of the Enum. The end result looks like this: XAML … Read more

C# Enum – How to Compare Value

use this if (userProfile.AccountType == AccountType.Retailer) { … } If you want to get int from your AccountType enum and compare it (don’t know why) do this: if((int)userProfile.AccountType == 1) { … } Objet reference not set to an instance of an object exception is because your userProfile is null and you are getting property … Read more