Why does BCL GZipStream (with StreamReader) not reliably detect Data Errors with CRC32?

Preface .NET [4 and previous] users should not use the Microsoft-provided GZipStream or DeflateStream classes under any circumstances, unless Microsoft replaces them completely with something that works. Use the DotNetZip library instead. Update to Preface The .NET Framework 4.5 and later have fixed the compression problem, and GZipStream and DeflateStream use zlib in those versions. … Read more

Cosmic Rays: what is the probability they will affect a program?

From Wikipedia: Studies by IBM in the 1990s suggest that computers typically experience about one cosmic-ray-induced error per 256 megabytes of RAM per month.[15] This means a probability of 3.7 × 10-9 per byte per month, or 1.4 × 10-15 per byte per second. If your program runs for 1 minute and occupies 20 MB … Read more