What are the benefits of using Marionette FirefoxDriver instead of the old Selenium FirefoxDriver for a Selenium tester?

The main advantage for using the Mozilla-provided, Marionette-based Geckodriver solution is that it works for versions of Firefox 48 and higher. The legacy driver provided and maintained by the Selenium project doesn’t work for Firefox 48 or higher, and will never work for those versions of Firefox. The legacy driver is implemented as a Firefox … Read more

Difference between webdriver.firefox.marionette & webdriver.gecko.driver

Up to version 45 (pushed to version 47), the driver used to automate Firefox was an extension included with each client. But this extension was dropped, probably due to the change of policy which now requires all the extensions to be signed by Mozilla. Marionette is the new driver that is shipped/included with Firefox. This … Read more