Cannot set searchBar as firstResponder

I noticed this issue too. What seems to happen is the call to becomeFirstResponder is done when the searchController is still ‘loading’. If you comment out becomeFirstResponder you notice that there is no difference. So we need a way to call becomeFirstResponder after the searchController is ‘done’ loading. When I looked at various delegate methods … Read more

UIWebView with contentEditable (html editing), first responder handling?

Here is how I overwrite these methods in a UIWebView subclass (content is the id of the editable element): -(BOOL)resignFirstResponder { [self setUserInteractionEnabled:NO];[self setUserInteractionEnabled:YES]; return [super resignFirstResponder]; } // only works on iOS 6+ -(void)becomeFirstResponder { self.keyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction = NO; // set here or during initialization // important note: in some situations (newer iOS versions), it … Read more

iPad keyboard will not dismiss if modal ViewController presentation style is UIModalPresentationFormSheet

This has been classified as “works as intended” by Apple engineers. I filed a bug for this a while back. Their reasoning is that the user is often going to be entering data in a modal form so they are trying to be “helpful” and keep the keyboard visible where ordinarily various transitions within the … Read more