Ruby on Rails : symbol as argument in form_for

Using the symbol will generate: <form action=”/users” method=”post”> Using the object @user set to new you get: <form action=”/users” class=”new_user” id=”new_user” method=”post”> If you set @user to something else it will change the form tag generated, of course … try it out for yourself. In the end it all depends what you’re trying to do. … Read more

form_for with nested resources

Travis R is correct. (I wish I could upvote ya.) I just got this working myself. With these routes: resources :articles do resources :comments end You get paths like: /articles/42 /articles/42/comments/99 routed to controllers at app/controllers/articles_controller.rb app/controllers/comments_controller.rb just as it says at, with no special namespaces. But partials and forms become tricky. Note the … Read more