Bootstrap height

Your sticky footer is correct. Your bootstrap columns usage is wrong… Bootstrap uses the container as just a wrapper div to control the width of you content part and also to provide a gutter around your content. Col-xs-, col-sm- etc., – These are just floating elements with certain widths in percentage. Since these divs are … Read more

How to collect and manipulate data in HTML using

Use method “get” or “post” <form action=”/action_page.php” method=”post”> <h3>WHAT IS THE RETURN DATE?</h3><br> <input type=”date” name=”hotel_name” value=””> <br> </form> And in the “action_page.php” you can use this code $return_date = $_POST[‘hotel_name’] ; In this way you can store the date in variable $return_date

PHP sending form data to the database

I think that you should start from the beginnig studing PHP, HTML and SQL. The action in the html form indicate where the script should send the data after the submission. You have to create a php script that grab that data from POST and save them to the database using SQL. Php will not … Read more

Form submit file attach

if( isset($_POST[‘myFile’]) ){ $attachname8=$_FILES[‘myFile’][‘name’]; $attachment8=”; $output_dir=”report/”; //Filter the file types , if you want. if(!empty($attachname8)) { if ($_FILES[“myFile”][“name”] > 0) { echo “Error: ” . $_FILES[“myFile”][“error”] . “<br>”; } else { //move the uploaded file to uploads folder; move_uploaded_file($_FILES[“myFile”] [“tmp_name”],$output_dir.$_FILES[“myFile”][“name”]); $attachment8=”report/”.$_FILES[“myFile”][“name”]; } } }