Full text search does not work if stop word is included even though stop word list is empty

Meanwhile I have managed to solve the issue. The problem was that I had my own stop list which was indeed empty but my fulltext catalog was associated not with my own stoplist but with the system one. Here are a couple of useful queries for solving stopword and full text search issues: Query stopwords … Read more

Django MySQL full text search

The previously highest rated answer is deprecated. As of Django 1.10 there is no more search field lookup for MySQL databases (see the search section in the 1.10 documentation). The release notes for 1.10 also propose a solution to this, by defining a custom lookup: ###__search query lookup The search lookup, which supports MySQL only … Read more

How to evaluate hosted full text search solutions?

Websolr provides a cloud-based Solr with a control panel. It’s in private beta as of this writing, but you can get the service through Heroku. Another hosted Solr service is PowCloud, also in private beta, which seems to offer strong WordPress integration. SolrHQ: another beta service providing a hosted Solr solution, with Joomla and WordPress … Read more

Full-text search in NoSQL databases [closed]

None of the existing “NoSQL” database provides a reasonable implementation of something that could be named “fulltext search”. MongoDB in particular has barely nothing so far (matching using regular expressions is not fulltext search and searching using $in or $all operators on a keyword word list is just a very poor implementation of a “fulltext … Read more

Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table or indexed view because it is not full-text indexed

Make sure you have full-text search feature installed. Create full-text search catalog (if needed) First check if any catalog already exists select * from sys.fulltext_catalogs If no catalog is found create one use [DatabaseName] create fulltext catalog FullTextCatalog as default you can verify that the catalog was created in the same way as above Create … Read more

How can I manipulate MySQL fulltext search relevance to make one field more ‘valuable’ than another?

Create three full text indexes a) one on the keyword column b) one on the content column c) one on both keyword and content column Then, your query: SELECT id, keyword, content, MATCH (keyword) AGAINST (‘watermelon’) AS rel1, MATCH (content) AGAINST (‘watermelon’) AS rel2 FROM table WHERE MATCH (keyword,content) AGAINST (‘watermelon’) ORDER BY (rel1*1.5)+(rel2) DESC … Read more