MySQL Fulltext Search Score Explained

Take the query “word1 word2” as an example. BOOLEAN mode indicates that your entire query matches the document (e.g. it contains both word1 AND word2). Boolean mode is a strict match. The formula normally used is based on the Vector Space Model of searching. Very simplified, it figures out two measures to determine how important … Read more

Entity Framework, Code First and Full Text Search

Using interceptors introduced in EF6, you could mark the full text search in linq and then replace it in dbcommand as described in public class FtsInterceptor : IDbCommandInterceptor { private const string FullTextPrefix = “-FTSPREFIX-“; public static string Fts(string search) { return string.Format(“({0}{1})”, FullTextPrefix, search); } public void NonQueryExecuting(DbCommand command, DbCommandInterceptionContext<int> interceptionContext) { } … Read more

MongoDB Text Search AND multiple search words

Give a try to:“text”, {search:”\”printer\” \”ink\””}) Also, here’s a quote from docs: If the search string includes phrases, the search performs an AND with any other terms in the search string; e.g. search for “\”twinkle twinkle\” little star” searches for “twinkle twinkle” and (“little” or “star”). Hope that helps.

Does Oracle support full text search?

Oracle Text is the equivalent functionality. I’ve had good experiences with it. Assuming that you are maintaining the text index asynchronously, that tends to be the first source of problems, since it may be a bit between a change being made and the index getting updated, but that’s normally quite reasonable during normal operation.