Join a count query on generate_series() and retrieve Null values as ‘0’

Untangled, simplified and fixed, it might look like this: SELECT to_char(s.tag,’yyyy-mm’) AS monat , count( AS eintraege FROM ( SELECT generate_series(min(date_from)::date , max(date_from)::date , interval ‘1 day’ )::date AS tag FROM mytable t ) s LEFT JOIN mytable t ON t.date_from::date = s.tag AND t.version = 1 GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1; db<>fiddle here … Read more

Calculate working hours between 2 dates in PostgreSQL

According to your question working hours are: Mo–Fr, 08:00–15:00. Rounded results For just two given timestamps Operating on units of 1 hour. Fractions are ignored, therefore not precise but simple: SELECT count(*) AS work_hours FROM generate_series (timestamp ‘2013-06-24 13:30’ , timestamp ‘2013-06-24 15:29’ – interval ‘1h’ , interval ‘1h’) h WHERE EXTRACT(ISODOW FROM h) < … Read more

Generate series of dates – using date type as input

Thanks to function type resolution we can also pass date values to generate_series() because there is an implicit cast from date to timestamp as well as from date to timestamptz. Would be ambiguous, but timestamptz is “preferred” among “Date/time types”. Detailed explanation: Generating time series between two dates in PostgreSQL For a bare date the … Read more

Best way to count rows by arbitrary time intervals

Luckily, you are using PostgreSQL. The window function generate_series() is your friend. Test case Given the following test table (which you should have provided): CREATE TABLE event(event_id serial, ts timestamp); INSERT INTO event (ts) SELECT generate_series(timestamp ‘2018-05-01’ , timestamp ‘2018-05-08’ , interval ‘7 min’) + random() * interval ‘7 min’; One event for every 7 … Read more

generate_series() equivalent in MySQL

This is how I do it. It creates a range of dates from 2011-01-01 to 2011-12-31: select date_format( adddate(‘2011-1-1’, @num:=@num+1), ‘%Y-%m-%d’ ) date from any_table, (select @num:=-1) num limit 365 — use limit 366 for leap years if you’re putting this in production The only requirement is that the number of rows in any_table should … Read more