How can I make Sublime Text the default editor for Git?

Windows Sublime Text 2 (Build 2181) The latest Build 2181 just added support for the -w (wait) command line argument. The following configuration will allow ST2 to work as your default git editor on Windows. This will allow git to open ST2 for commit messages and such. git config –global core.editor “‘c:/program files/sublime text 2/sublime_text.exe’ … Read more

Where do the settings in my Git configuration come from?

Git checks four places for a configuration file: Your machine’s system .gitconfig file. Your user .gitconfig file located at ~/.gitconfig. A second user-specific configuration file located at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/config or $HOME/.config/git/config. The local repository’s configuration file .git/config. The settings cascade in the following order, with each file adding or overriding settings defined in the file above … Read more