Difference between git-log and git-whatchanged?

The commit 52f425e1 (August, 30th 2013) mentions: Encourage new users to use ‘log‘ instead. These days, these commands are unified and just have different defaults. ‘git log‘ only allowed you to view the log messages and no diffs when it was added in early June 2005. It was only in early April 2006 that the … Read more

How to improve git log performance?

TLDR; as mentioned in GitMerge 2019: git config –global core.commitGraph true git config –global gc.writeCommitGraph true cd /path/to/repo git commit-graph write Actually (see at the end), the first two config are not needed with Git 2.24+ (Q3 2019): they are true by default. As T4cC0re mentions in the comments: If you are on git version … Read more

Color in git-log

As of git 1.8.3 (May 24, 2013), you can use %C(auto) to decorate %d in the format string of git log. From the release notes: * “git log –format” specifier learned %C(auto) token that tells Git to use color when interpolating %d (decoration), %h (short commit object name), etc. for terminal output.)

How does git log –since count?

In case it helps someone else who lands here like I did, after a bit of researching I found out that using ISO8601 format also works: git log –since=”2014-02-12T16:36:00-07:00″ This will give you precision down to the second. Note: you can also use: git log –after=”2014-02-12T16:36:00-07:00″ git log –before=”2014-02-12T16:36:00-07:00″ git log –since=”1 month ago” git … Read more