Where should I place my global ‘gitattributes’ file?

Global vs. system-wide settings There is some ambiguity in your question’s terminology. In a Git context, “global” usually means “user-level”; in other words, a global setting affect all repositories for one specific user (the active one). In contrast, a system-wide setting affects all repositories for all users of a machine. Repository-level gitattributes (I’m only mentioning … Read more

How can I make git ignore future revisions to a file?

As many others have mentioned, a good modern solution is: git update-index –skip-worktree default_values.txt That will ignore changes to that file, both local and upstream, until you decide to allow them again with: git update-index –no-skip-worktree default_values.txt You can get a list of files that are marked skipped with: git ls-files -v . | grep … Read more