Chrome Console SameSite Cookie Attribute Warning

This is something that the third-party cookie setters (like Stripe) need to handle on their end. I reached out to Stripe because I was getting this message for Stripe payments. Stripe support response: It looks like we’re already tracking this internally as this warning comes from Stripe.js, not from react-stripe-elements. For now this is a … Read more

Why does Chrome Dev Tool show a dates __proto__ as Invalid Date?

“I’m still curious as to what it means when it says Invalid Date” That’s simply the toString value of the prototype object of the Date constructor function. Date.prototype.toString(); // “Invalid Date” You can override it if you like… Date.prototype.toString = function() { return “I like turtles.” }; var myDate = new Date(1331869050000); myDate.__proto__; // I … Read more

Chrome Dev Tools: How to trace network for a link that opens a new tab?

Check out chrome://net-internals/#events (or chrome://net-export in the latest version of Chrome) for a detailed overview of all network events happening in your browser. Other possible solution, depending on your specific problem, may be to enable ‘Preserve log’ on the ‘Network’ tab: and force all links to open in the same tab by executing the following … Read more

Can the browser turned headless mid-execution when it was started normally, or vice-versa?

Short answer: It’s not possible Chrome only allows to either start the browser in headless or non-headless mode. You have to specify it when you launch the browser and it is not possible to switch during runtime. What is possible, is to launch a second browser and reuse cookies (and any other data) from the … Read more

What does the “System” category of records mean in Chrome Timeline profiling tool?

I asked me the same question two years ago. I didn’t know what the grey bars respectively the System category stand for. It was hard to find an official answer because the only thing the Chrome DevTools Docs said was “Activity that was not instrumented by DevTools”. But this statement was removed since there is … Read more