Colour points in a plot differently depending on a vector of values

Here’s a solution using base R graphics: #Some sample data x <- runif(100) dat <- data.frame(x = x,y = x^2 + 1) #Create a function to generate a continuous color palette rbPal <- colorRampPalette(c(‘red’,’blue’)) #This adds a column of color values # based on the y values dat$Col <- rbPal(10)[as.numeric(cut(dat$y,breaks = 10))] plot(dat$x,dat$y,pch = 20,col … Read more

Using CSS, can you apply a gradient mask to fade to the background over text?

I’ve been wondering this exact same thing. The solution is actually quite simple. Although this is of course quite a modern feature, so you’re stuck to browser compatibility. Webkit can take care of this with a single line of CSS: -webkit-mask-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left 90%, left bottom, from(rgba(0,0,0,1)), to(rgba(0,0,0,0))) (The new standardised way of doing it … Read more

SVG gradient using CSS

Just use in the CSS whatever you would use in a fill attribute. Of course, this requires that you have defined the linear gradient somewhere in your SVG. Here is a complete example: rect { cursor: pointer; shape-rendering: crispEdges; fill: url(#MyGradient); } <svg width=”100″ height=”50″ version=”1.1″ xmlns=””> <style type=”text/css”> rect{fill:url(#MyGradient)} </style> <defs> <linearGradient id=”MyGradient”> <stop … Read more

Can you add noise to a CSS3 gradient?

This is by far the most hassle free and best way to implement this. It is purely CSS and very very simple to do, no extra files – nothing. Ok, it’s not the best way possible, but it works very well, very reliable (never failed when testing across very old browsers) and very fast to … Read more

How do I programmatically set the background color gradient on a Custom Title Bar?

To do this in code, you create a GradientDrawable. The only chance to set the angle and color is in the constructor. If you want to change the color or angle, just create a new GradientDrawable and set it as the background View layout = findViewById(; GradientDrawable gd = new GradientDrawable( GradientDrawable.Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM, new int[] {0xFF616261,0xFF131313}); … Read more

Javascript color gradient

I created a JS library, RainbowVis-JS to solve this general problem. You just have to set the number of items using setNumberRange and set the start and end colour using setSpectrum. Then you get the hex colour code with colourAt. var numberOfItems = 8; var rainbow = new Rainbow(); rainbow.setNumberRange(1, numberOfItems); rainbow.setSpectrum(‘red’, ‘black’); var s=””; … Read more