Why can’t browser send gzip request?

The client and server have to agree on how to communicate; part of this is whether the communication can be compressed. HTTP was designed as a request/response model, and the original creation was almost certainly envisioned to always have small requests and potentially large responses. Compression is not required to implement HTTP, there are both … Read more

Decompress gz file using R

Here is a worked example that may help illustrate what gzfile() and gzcon() are for foo <- data.frame(a=LETTERS[1:3], b=rnorm(3)) foo # a b #1 A 0.586882 #2 B 0.218608 #3 C 1.290776 write.table(foo, file=”/tmp/foo.csv”) system(“gzip /tmp/foo.csv”) # being very explicit Now that the file is written, instead of implicit use of file(), use gzfile(): read.table(gzfile(“/tmp/foo.csv.gz”)) … Read more

Deflate compression browser compatibility and advantages over GZIP

UPDATE: Browsers have been dropping support for raw deflate. zOompf has completed some very thorough research on this very topic here. Unfortunately, it appears that raw deflate is NOT safe to use. Check http://www.vervestudios.co/projects/compression-tests/results for more results. Here are the browsers that have been tested: /* Browser DEFLATE ZLIB */ XP Internet Explorer 6 PASS … Read more

Android: HTTP communication should use “Accept-Encoding: gzip”

You should use http headers to indicate a connection can accept gzip encoded data, e.g: HttpUriRequest request = new HttpGet(url); request.addHeader(“Accept-Encoding”, “gzip”); // … httpClient.execute(request); Check response for content encoding: InputStream instream = response.getEntity().getContent(); Header contentEncoding = response.getFirstHeader(“Content-Encoding”); if (contentEncoding != null && contentEncoding.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(“gzip”)) { instream = new GZIPInputStream(instream); }

Why does my C# gzip produce a larger file than Fiddler or PHP?

Preface: .NET users should not use the Microsoft-provided GZipStream or DeflateStream classes under any circumstances, unless Microsoft replaces them completely with something that works. Use the DotNetZip library instead. Update to Preface: The .NET Framework 4.5 and later have fixed the compression problem, and GZipStream and DeflateStream use zlib in those versions. I do not … Read more

Gzip versus minify

Very simple to test. I took your js, put them in different files and ran gzip -9 on them. Here’s the result. This was done on a WinXP machine running Cygwin and gzip 1.3.12. -rwx—— 1 xxxxxxxx mkgroup-l-d 88 Apr 30 09:17 expanded.js.gz -rwx—— 1 xxxxxxxx mkgroup-l-d 81 Apr 30 09:18 minified.js.gz Here’s a further … Read more

Decompress gzip and zlib string in javascript

Pako is a full and modern Zlib port. Here is a very simple example and you can work from there. Get pako.js and you can decompress byteArray like so: <html> <head> <title>Gunzipping binary gzipped string</title> <script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14620769/pako.js”></script> <script type=”text/javascript”> // Get datastream as Array, for example: var charData = [31,139,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,5,193,219,13,0,16,16,4,192,86,214,151,102,52,33,110,35,66,108,226,60,218,55,147,164,238,24,173,19,143,241,18,85,27,58,203,57,46,29,25,198,34,163,193,247,106,179,134,15,50,167,173,148,48,0,0,0]; // Turn number array … Read more

Using GZIP compression with Spring Boot/MVC/JavaConfig with RESTful

The rest of these answers are out of date and/or over the top complicated for something that should be simple IMO (how long has gzip been around for now? longer than Java…) From the docs: In application.properties 1.3+ # 🗜️🗜️🗜️ server.compression.enabled=true # opt in to content types server.compression.mime-types=application/json,application/xml,text/html,text/xml,text/plain,application/javascript,text/css # not worth the CPU cycles at … Read more