Datanode process not running in Hadoop

You need to do something like this: bin/ (or and in the 2.x serie) rm -Rf /app/tmp/hadoop-your-username/* bin/hadoop namenode -format (or hdfs in the 2.x serie) the solution was taken from: Basically it consists in restarting from scratch, so make sure you won’t loose data by formating the hdfs.

Difference between HBase and Hadoop/HDFS

Hadoop is basically 3 things, a FS (Hadoop Distributed File System), a computation framework (MapReduce) and a management bridge (Yet Another Resource Negotiator). HDFS allows you store huge amounts of data in a distributed (provides faster read/write access) and redundant (provides better availability) manner. And MapReduce allows you to process this huge data in a … Read more

Job queue for Hive action in oozie

A. Oozie specifics Oozie propagates the “regular” Hadoop properties to a “regular” MapReduce Action. But for other types of Action (Shell, Hive, Java, etc.) where Oozie runs a single Mapper task in YARN, it does not consider that it’s a real MapReduce job. Hence it uses a different set of undocumented properties always prefixed with … Read more

Create HIVE Table with multi character delimiter

FILELDS TERMINATED BY does not support multi-character delimiters. The easiest way to do this is to use RegexSerDe: CREATE EXTERNAL TABlE tableex(id INT, name STRING) ROW FORMAT ‘org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.serde2.RegexSerDe’ WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ( “input.regex” = “^(\\d+)~\\*(.*)$” ) STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCATION ‘/user/myusername’;

hadoop Relative path in absolute URI: rsrc:hbase-common-0.98.1-hadoop2.jar

The exception is a bit misleading; there’s no real relative path being parsed, the issue here is that Hadoop “Path” doesn’t support ‘:’ in filenames. In your case, “rsrc:hbase-common-0.98.1-hadoop2.jar” is being interpreted as “rsrc” being the “scheme”, whereas I suspect you really intended to add the resource file:///path/to/your/jarfile/rsrc:hbase-common-0.98.1-hadoop2.jar”. Here’s an old JIRA discussing the illegal … Read more