Couldn’t find that process type, Heroku

This may happen if your procfile is misspelt, such as “procfile” or “ProcFile” etc. The file name should be “Procfile” (with a capital P). sometimes changing the file name is not anough, because git wouldn’t spot the change. I had to delete the Procfile completely, then commit the change, than add it again with the … Read more

How can I import a .sql file into my Heroku postgres database?

This is how you do it: heroku pg:psql –app YOUR_APP_NAME_HERE < updates.sql And if you want to restore your production into staging (assuming both are heroku postgres DBs): heroku pgbackups:restore YOUR_STAGING_DATABASE_NAME `heroku pgbackups:url –app YOUR_PRODUCTION_APP_NAME` –app YOUR_STAGING_APP_NAME –confirm YOUR_STAGING_APP_NAME Make sure to preserve the special single quotes around heroku pgbackups:url –app YOUR_PRODUCTION_APP_NAME. HEROKU TOOLBELT UPDATE … Read more