How to solve “Page not found (404)” error in Django?

You are getting the 404 because you haven’t defined a url pattern for yet. You should be able to view the admin site at and your food posts at To add a url pattern for the homepage, uncomment the following entry in your, and replace homefood.views.home with the path to the … Read more

how to fix 404 warnings for images during karma unit testing

That is because you need to configurate karma to load then serve them when requested 😉 In your karma.conf.js file you should already have defined files and/or patterns like : // list of files / patterns to load in the browser files : [ {pattern: ‘app/lib/angular.js’, watched: true, included: true, served: true}, {pattern: ‘app/lib/angular-*.js’, watched: … Read more

Why does HttpWebRequest throw an exception instead returning HttpStatusCode.NotFound?

Ya this can be quite annoying when web pages use status codes heavily and not all of them are errors. Which can make processing the body quite a pain. Personally I use this extension method for getting the response. public static class HttpWebResponseExt { public static HttpWebResponse GetResponseNoException(this HttpWebRequest req) { try { return (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); … Read more

What is the proper way to send an HTTP 404 response from an ASP.NET MVC action?

Shooting from the hip (cowboy coding ;-)), I’d suggest something like this: Controller: public class HomeController : Controller { public ActionResult Index() { return new HttpNotFoundResult(“This doesn’t exist”); } } HttpNotFoundResult: using System; using System.Net; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; namespace YourNamespaceHere { /// <summary>An implementation of <see cref=”ActionResult” /> that throws an <see cref=”HttpException” />.</summary> … Read more

How to return a custom 404 Not Found page using FastAPI?

Update A more elegant solution would be to use a custom exception handler, passing the status code of the exception you would like to handle, as shown below: from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException @app.exception_handler(404) async def not_found_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: HTTPException): return RedirectResponse(‘’) or, use the exception_handlers parameter of the FastAPI class like … Read more

Django 404 error-page not found

You are getting the 404 because you haven’t defined a url pattern for yet. You should be able to view the admin site at and your food posts at To add a url pattern for the homepage, uncomment the following entry in your, and replace homefood.views.home with the path to the … Read more

Is there a way to force apache to return 404 instead of 403?

RedirectMatch as in e.g. RedirectMatch 404 /\. does the trick, it prohibits access to all files or directories starting with a dot, giving a “404 Not Found” error. From the Apache manual: “The Redirect[Match] directive maps an old URL into a new one by asking the client to refetch the resource at the new location.” … Read more