Passing the backing bean as a parameter to a Facelet include

You can use <ui:param> for that. It needs to be nested in the <ui:include>. <ui:include src=””> <ui:param name=”ParameterBean” value=”#{Bean}” /> </ui:include> Unrelated to the concrete problem, standard Java Naming Conventions state that instance variable names must start with lower case. You should change your code in such way that respectively parameterBean and #{bean} will be … Read more

How do I include a common file in VBScript (similar to C #include)?

You can create a (relatively) small function in each file that you want to include other files into, as follows: sub includeFile (fSpec) dim fileSys, file, fileData set fileSys = createObject (“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) set file = fileSys.openTextFile (fSpec) fileData = file.readAll () file.close executeGlobal fileData set file = nothing set fileSys = nothing end sub and … Read more

Why gets() is deprecated? [duplicate]

Can someone explains why the compiler shows like that…? Yes, because, the gets() function is dangerous, as it suffers from buffer overflow issue. Anyone should refrain from using that. Also, regarding the warning with -Wdeprecated-declarations, gets() is no longer a part of C standard [C11 onwards]. So, C libraries compilers are not bound to support … Read more

How does #include work in C++?

No, #includes are transitive. However, if your second file itself uses symbols from someLibrary, it’s good style to re-include the header. That way you’re not “hoping and praying” that you never remove the intermediate include. Your codebase will be more robust if every source file #includes everything that it directly needs. Header guards prevent this … Read more

Do I have to use #include beside ?

Yes, you have to include what you use. It’s not mandated that standard headers include one another (with a few exceptions IIRC). It might work now, but might fail on a different compiler. In your case, apparently <iostream> includes <string>, directly or indirectly, but don’t rely on it.

How to get the file-path of the currently executing javascript code

Within the script: var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName(“script”), src = scripts[scripts.length-1].src; This works because the browser loads and executes scripts in order, so while your script is executing, the document it was included in is sure to have your script element as the last one on the page. This code of course must be ‘global’ to … Read more