Internet Explorer 9 not rendering table cells properly

I have exactly the same problem as well. you may want to read this YOu can remove the space inbetween td by using javascript if your html is returned from ajax, then from the response, you replace it with response_html = response_html.replace(/td>\s+<td/g,’td><td’); $(‘#table’).html(response_html);

JavaScript: Can I detect IE9 if it’s in IE7 or IE8 compatibility mode?

Actually the user agent string is different for IE9 when being run in IE7 compatibility mode, so this would be one of the best ways to distinguish between different IE versions. Introducing IE9’s User Agent String: Similar to IE8, IE9’s Compatibility View will map to IE7 Standards Mode, and IE9’s UA string when in Compatibility … Read more

IE9 JavaScript error: SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property ‘ui’: object is null or undefined

Many JavaScript libraries (especially non-recent ones) do not handle IE9 well because it breaks with IE8 in the handling of a lot of things. JS code that sniffs for IE will fail quite frequently in IE9, unless such code is rewritten to handle IE9 specifically. Before the JS code is updated, you should use the … Read more